Davidow Family Logo

Family history

Davidow Family History, by Wallace Davidow, 1989

Memories, by Dottie Heller, 1989

Family web directory

Brenner, Anita. Read her columns and songs at anitabrenner.com

Davidow, Ari. His personal and family webpages are at www.well.com/~ari


Memories by Dorothy Girshoff Heller

First my thoughts are of Grandma and Grandpa.

Grandma was a strong Matriarch -- a good, good woman.

I remember her cool hand on my forehead when I was sick. We lived behind the store, so when the Doctor said I had Scarlet Fever, and we couldn't be quarantined, I was shipped over to Grandma's where she nursed me back to health. Grandpa was more affectionate -- at five years old, I remember sleeping with him and he hogged all the covers, and Grandma used to come in and holler because he never would open the window.

Grandpa would tell us all about the Exodus from Egypt -- and the gefilte fish was always made from scratch.... How many of us asked the Four Questions?

Did you know that Grandma ran the Rummage Sale because even in those years, help was hard to come by? How many of us took out the boat and rowed over Davidow's Lake?

How many times was Paul gone all day fishing on the lake, and Mother would worry 'til he came home with a load of Sun fish and Perch (even Dog and Catfish which Grandpa used to fill in the land by the water's edge).

When they broke ground for the Jewish Center, Grandpa's Picture is in the archives of that ceremony.

Growing up we lived through the crash of 1929. I was 14 years old, and I remember Uncles Ed, Lou, and Mutt losing money in the crash.

Our mother was a witty, friendly, caring woman who loved people.... Our store was a meeting place -- anyone could drop in to visit Minnie, have a cup of tea, and even have their fortune told, and receive a piece of advice along the way.

She went out with Fannie Goldstein all along Long Island, and raised money for the Jewish Center.

Minnie had a beautiful voice; with lessons, she might have been a wonderful soprano.

I always tell the story about how great a saleswoman Minnie was.... If a man came in for a necktie, he would leave with a suit of clothes.... If my Dad was in the store at the time, he would leave with a tie.

I would like to end with the story of when Sam came to Patchogue, and we would go out, and we would always go to see Grandma so she could see how we looked. One night she didn't like the tie Sam was wearing, so she brought out one of Uncle Mac's and we loved the tie. It was great looking.

Prepared by Dottie Heller for the Davidow Family Reunion, 6/24/89.



Thank you for visiting: http://www.davidow.org/archives/dottie_heller.html
Page copyright © 2000 by Ari Davidow, ari@ivritype.com . All rights reserved. Contributions by descendents of Daniel and Ethel Davidow requested! Last revised 24 September, 2000.